Cool Drawings in 5 Easy Steps How to Draw a Cool Baseball

How To Draw A Baseball Player Pitching and Hitting

In today's quick tutorial, we're going to learn how to draw a baseball player pitching and hitting.

Baseball is one of the most famous sports in the world, and in the United States, it is considered a national pastime. This game is easy to learn, engaging to play, and fun to watch for adults and kids.

If you love baseball, this drawing activity is for you! Enjoy and have fun!

How to Draw Baseball blog cover

Table of Contents

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What is baseball?

Young boy in a baseball field

Baseball has been tagged as the national pastime of the United States.

Every year, millions of fans, young and old, look forward to the start of a new baseball season during the spring season. It is also a popular sport in many Latin American and Asian countries.

The game is played with a bat and a baseball. Two teams of nine players compete against each other, and the ultimate goal is to score the most points.

How to Draw A Baseball Player

Drawing of a baseball batter and pitcher

In this fun activity, we're going to draw a baseball pitcher and batter.

The baseball pitcher is from the defensive team and is the most important player in the game and greatly impacts whether a team will win or lose.

He is the player who throws the baseball towards the catcher to begin each play. His goal is to strategically strike out the batter and prevent the offensive team to run and touch bases successfully.

On the other hand, the batter is from the offensive team. His goal is to bat the ball away from the catcher and let his team make a round on the home bases.

Now that you know the difference between the pitcher and batter, it's now time to draw them!

Don't forget to watch the video tutorial on how to draw baseball players below.


  • 1 White sheet of paper
  • Pencil
  • Colored Pencil
  • Pen
  • Eraser

How to Draw a Baseball Batter (Overview)

Numbered instruction on the overview how to draw a baseball batter

How To Draw a Baseball Pitcher (Overview)

Numbered instruction on the overview how to draw a baseball pitcher

Step By Step Instructions

Part 1. Baseball Batter

Numbered steps on how to draw the baseball batter's head and body

Step 1. Draw the head and the body.

First, draw an oval for the body.

Then, draw a smaller oval or a circle on top of the body for the head.

Erase the top connecting line in between the head and the body.

Numbered steps on how to draw the baseball batter's arms and hands

Step 2. Draw the arms and hands.

Let's start with the right arm first. Since we are looking at the drawing, we will draw based on our point of view. Draw a curved rectangle on the left from the bottom of the head down to the chest. Erase the connecting line on the body.

Let's go with the left arm. Draw a curved line from the other side of the head to the front of the body, then erase the connecting lines.

Lastly, draw two small circles for the hands with small straight lines for the finger details.

Numbered steps on how to draw the baseball batter's legs and feet

Step 3. Draw the legs and feet.

Draw two rectangles curved to the left below the body. Erase the connecting lines, draw a straight line between the body and legs to draw the pants or shorts.

Then, draw two small ovals below the legs for the feet.

Lastly, draw two curved lines above the ankle for the socks.

Numbered steps on how to draw the baseball batter's ear and hair

Step 4. Add an ear and the hair

Draw a curved line on the left side of the head for the ear. Since our baseball player is side view, we cannot see the other ear.

Draw straight lines for the hair outline, then shade the inside.

Numbered steps on how to draw the baseball bat

Step 5. Draw the baseball bat.

Draw a long narrow oval on top of the right hand for the bat, then a small square below the left hand for the bottom of the handle.

Step 6. Draw the uniform and baseball cap.

Baseball players wear uniforms, or popularly known as jerseys, that are usually v-neck and short-sleeved. First, draw a v-shape at the bottom of the head, then draw a line on the arm for the short sleeves.

Add light straight-line patterns on the jersey, then add a logo. In our drawing, we put an 'A'. You draw any logo you want for your baseball player!

Let's draw the baseball cap. First, erase the top portion of the head, then draw a U-shape for the visor. Next, draw a curved line on top for the cap, then add the logo.

Numbered steps on how to draw the baseball batter's face and other details in the uniform

Step 7. Draw the face and add details.

Let's draw a smiling face on our baseball player. First, draw two small circles for the eyes, a straight line for the nose, and a curved line for the smile. You can make it big just like in the picture to show a very happy player!

We're almost done with our drawing! We just have to add some details to it. First, draw a narrow rectangle at the top of the pants for the belt. Then, add a darker shade on the socks and shoes. Lastly, draw small spikes at the bottom of the shoes for the cleats.

Part 2. Baseball Pitcher

Numbered steps on how to draw the baseball pitcher's head and body

Step 1. Draw the head and the body.

Like on how we draw the baseball batter, we start with an oval for the body and a circle for the head.

Numbered steps on how to draw the baseball pitcher's throwing arm.

Step 2. Draw the arm that throws the ball.

Unlike on our first drawing, the back of the pitcher is facing us. Draw a rectangle upward from the side of the head. Erase the connecting line.

Numbered steps on how to draw the baseball pitcher's legs

Step 3. Draw the legs.

Draw two rectangles that are curved to the left, below the body. Erase the connecting lines.

Numbered steps on how to draw the baseball pitcher's hand and feet

Step 4. Draw the hand and feet.

Draw a small circle for the hand and two ovals for the feet or shoes.

Numbered steps on how to draw the baseball pitcher's glove and cap

Step 5. Draw the baseball glove and cap.

First, let's add fingers to the left hand. Draw five small ovals on the hand, then erase the connecting lines.

For the baseball glove, draw a downward rectangle below the left arm. Draw a bigger and rounder hand for the glove.

Numbered steps on how to draw the baseball pitcher's head and other details in the uniform

Step 6. Draw the hair and uniform details.

Let's make a female baseball pitcher. At the back of the head, draw a ponytail.

For the face, draw a small curve for the ear and a dot for the side eye. Draw an even smaller curve for the nose.

Lastly, add other details such as the short sleeve, belt, socks, and cleats.

Wow! We've got a likable baseball batter and pitcher. Draw more players and make a baseball team!

Tips for art-mazing success:

  • Color your drawings to make them lively.
  • Add other things to your drawing and make a good story out of it.
  • You can draw a baseball field and even a whole baseball team!

Check out these awesome drawings by our young artists at the Creativity School.

baseball game drawing with pitcher, batter, scoreboard, and fans on each side

elephant wearing a baseball uniform

Creativity School artworks by Naia L. (left)  and Sweet Girl (right)

Did you have fun drawing the batter and the pitcher? Share with us your art experience in the comment section below.

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- Celina G.

Step 4. Add an ear and the hair

Draw a curved line on the left side of the head for the ear. Since our baseball player is side view, we cannot see the other ear.

Draw straight lines for the hair outline, then shade the inside.

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"Arree Chung, your class is fantastic! I am sure other parents would agree that Creativity School is more of a FAMILY DEAL! Because I, as a parent who has no drawing experience, learned too."

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